ONE-KEY™ streamlines your ability to organize and track any kind of tool imaginable, but no tools are more seamlessly integrated into the app than the ones built by Milwaukee.
In this article, we'll show you how to use a Milwaukee tool’s model number to quickly enter it into your One-Key inventory.
You can select any of the below bulleted items to be taken to the corresponding section of this article where we discuss each of them:
- Learn how to add a Milwaukee tool to inventory on Android
- Learn how to add a Milwaukee tool to inventory on iOS
- Learn how to create a Milwaukee tool from scratch on Web
Get started on the One-Key mobile or web app
Make sure you have the model number of the Milwaukee tool you wish to add.
Log in to the One-Key mobile or web app.
The homepage, or Inventory Dashboard, will display on your screen.
How to add a Milwaukee tool to inventory on Android
Note: The screens featured in this article may appear different than what you see on your device due to different phone manufacturers having different procedures.
In this section, we'll show you how to:
1. How to add a Milwaukee tool
If you have your Milwaukee tool’s model number handy, One-Key can save time and hassle by automatically entering the tool’s photo and description for you.
- Starting from the Inventory Dashboard, tap the + (note: some Android devices will display an overflow icon) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
- From the Choose Item Type screen, A menu slider will appear at the top allowing you to choose which kind of item you’d like to add. Select “Milwaukee Tools & Combo Kits.”
3. On the Add Item screen, search for your tool by model number.
4. Click on the "ADD" button to set up the item in your inventory.
4. After adding your Milwaukee tool to your inventory. The following details will auto-populate for you:
Item description
Model number
2. How to add the tool’s other important specs
Before you finish, enter the quantity of the tool that you are adding to your library.
Make sure you take a second to manually enter in the other important details about your tool: (Note, when adding multiple units of the same tool, you will need to fill out the information below twice to ensure tool differentiation.
Category: Type of tool.
Person: Crew member your tool is assigned to.
Division: Team your tool is assigned to.
Place: Place your tool is assigned to.
Tool Number: Custom name/number you’ve given your tool.
Serial #: Serial number of this specific tool.
Status: Availability or physical condition of your tool.
Purchase Information: Value of your tool, date/place of its purchase.
Service Date: Date for routine maintenance/repair.
Assign barcode: Enter a trackable barcode number.
Add Nearby TICK™: Add an external Bluetooth® tracker.
Once you’re finished, make sure you tap the “Save” icon in the upper right-hand corner of the final screen to save the tool to your inventory.
Now your Milwaukee tool will appear in your inventory complete with its photo, item description, model number, and other important specs.
How to add a Milwaukee tool to inventory on iOS
In this section, we'll explain how to:
1. How to add a Milwaukee tool
If you have your Milwaukee tool’s model number handy, One-Key can save time and hassle by automatically entering the tool’s photo and description for you.
Starting from the Inventory Dashboard, tap the “+” sign in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
A menu slider will appear at the top of your screen allowing you to choose which kind of item you’d like to add. Select “Milwaukee Tools & Combo Kits.”
3. On the Add Item screen, search for your tool by model number.
4. Click on the "ADD" button to set up the item in your inventory.
Tap on the tool to add it to your inventory. The following details will auto-populate for you:
Item description
Model number
2. How to add the tool’s other important specs
Before you finish, make sure you take a second to manually enter in the other important details about your tool:
Category: Type of tool.
Person: Crew member your tool is assigned to.
Division: Team your tool is assigned to.
Place: Place your tool is assigned to.
Tool Number: Custom name/number you’ve given your tool.
Serial #: Serial number of this specific tool.
Status: Availability or physical condition of your tool.
Purchase Information: Value of your tool, date/place of its purchase.
Service Date: Add a Service Date for routine maintenance/repair reminders.
Assign barcode: Enter a trackable barcode number or asset ID tag.
Add Nearby TICK™: Add an external TICK or Bluetooth® equipment tracker.
2. Once you’re finished, make sure you tap “Save” in the upper right-hand corner of the final screen to save the tool to your inventory.
Now your Milwaukee tool will appear in your inventory complete with its photo, item description, model number, and other important specs.
Create a Milwaukee tool from scratch on Web
In this section, we'll explain how to:
1. How to create a Milwaukee tool from scratch
If you have your Milwaukee tool’s model number handy, One-Key can save time and hassle by automatically entering the tool’s photo and description for you.
Starting from the Inventory Dashboard, click the blue “Add item” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Now click the blue “Get started” button in the Start from scratch box near the center of the screen.
To save time, enter your Milwaukee tool’s model number in the search bar at the top of the page. Your item’s information will display on the screen.
4. Click the blue “Add” button on the next screen. Much of your Milwaukee tool’s information will now automatically be entered in, including its model number, description, and a photo.
2. How to add the tool’s other important specs
- Before you finish, make sure you take a second to manually enter in the other important details about your tool:
Category: Type of tool.
Person: Crew member your tool is assigned to.
Division: Team your tool is assigned to.
Place: Place your tool is assigned to.
Tool Number: Custom name/number you’ve given your tool.
Serial #: Serial number of this specific tool.
Status: Availability or physical condition of your tool.
Purchase Information: Value of your tool, date/place of its purchase.
Service Date: Dates and alerts for routine maintenance/repair.
Assign barcode: Enter a trackable barcode number.
Add Nearby TICK™: Add an external Bluetooth® tracker.
2. Once you’re finished, make sure you tap “Save” in the upper right-hand corner of the final screen to save the tool to your inventory.
Now your Milwaukee tool will appear in your inventory complete with its photo, item description, model number, and other important specs.
One-Key makes it quick and easy to add a Milwaukee tool to your inventory.